Course materials

Free access to course material is a complete information jungle. There are may initiatives but with all due respect they have very little impact. Lack of organization and collaboration is the main problem. However some promising projects are presented.


OpenCourseWare Consortium

The oldest open source courseware program established by MIT. In the Netherlands is Delft University a participant in this programme.


Academic Earth

As more and more high quality educational content becomes available online for free, we ask ourselves, what are the real barriers to achieving a world class education? At Academic Earth, we are working to identify these barriers and find innovative ways to use technology to increase the ease of learning. We are building a user-friendly educational ecosystem that will give internet users around the world the ability to easily find, interact with, and learn from full video courses and lectures from the world’s leading scholars. Our goal is to bring the best content together in one place and create an environment that in which that content is remarkably easy to use and in which user contributions make existing content increasingly valuable.



Freeload Press, Inc. is liberating the textbook so students from all financial backgrounds can use these important learning tools. At this moment still an important USA bias.


Syllabus Finder

Searches 1,228,940 syllabi at the Center for History and New Media and over 500,000 syllabi via Google. The Syllabus Finder sends an optimized, specially packaged version of your query to Google, which sends back information and possible matches. The Syllabus Finder then processes this information and combines it with simultaneous searches on in-house databases (e.g., a database of educational institutions, so it can tell you which university or college a syllabus comes from). It also has algorithms that try to extract additional information from matching syllabi, such as assigned books. When this complex process is finished, the Syllabus Finder displays all of the information it has found.


Ugenie texbook finder

The tool has textbooks data for over 300,000 Fall 2007 courses at 1,130 U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities.With Course Textbook Finder, college students can find which books they need online, in addition to traditional information sources.


PubMed Bookshelf

The Bookshelf is a growing collection of biomedical books that can be searched directly by typing a concept into the textbox above and selecting "Go". The books can not be browsed, but only searched.


Some additions from iLibrarian



More info

Christina Laun, 2008. The Ultimate Guide to Using Open Courseware: 70+ Apps, Search Engines and Resources for Free Learning


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